'Unsolved', _SUB_MENU_1_L => '&sub=1', _SUB_MENU_1_T => 'Show unfixed bugs', _SUB_MENU_2 => 'Fixed', _SUB_MENU_2_L => '&sub=2', _SUB_MENU_2_T => 'Show corrected bugs , waiting on tests', _SUB_MENU_3 => 'Tested', _SUB_MENU_3_L => '&sub=3', _SUB_MENU_3_T => 'Show fixed and tested bugs.', _SUB_MENU_4 => 'All', _SUB_MENU_4_L => '&sub=4', _SUB_MENU_4_T => 'Show all bugs.', /* POCET SUBMENU POLOZEK */ _MAX_SUB => 4, _NADPIS_BUG => 'Report bug', _PRIOR => 'Priority:', _PRIOR_ => 'Select ...', _PRIOR_0 => 'Low', _PRIOR_1 => 'Medium', _PRIOR_2 => 'High', _PRIOR_H => 'select errors severity', _SEKCE => 'Section:', _SEKCE_0 => 'Select ...', _SEKCE_1 => 'Home page', _SEKCE_2 => 'Mail', _SEKCE_3 => 'Friends', _SEKCE_4 => 'Memobox', _SEKCE_5 => 'Categories', _SEKCE_6 => 'Administration category', _SEKCE_7 => 'BOOK', _SEKCE_8 => 'Search', _SEKCE_9 => 'New', _SEKCE_10 => 'Online', _SEKCE_11 => 'Statistics', _SEKCE_12 => 'Settings', _SEKCE_13 => 'Bonus', _SEKCE_14 => 'Help', _SEKCE_15 => 'information about users ', _SEKCE_16 => 'Topic', _SEKCE_17 => 'Creating a new topic ', _SEKCE_18 => 'Administration Topic', _SEKCE_19 => 'Polls', _SEKCE_20 => 'Other', _SEKCE_H => 'select a section , in which bug appears', _POPIS => 'Bug description:', _POPIS_H => 'Please, try to describe in as many details as possible.', _BROWSER => 'Internet browser:', _BROWSER_H => 'type and version of web browser', _RESOLUTION => 'Resolution:', _RESOLUTION_H => 'used screen resolution (W x H)', _SKIN => 'Skin:', _SKIN_H => 'Visual file CSS', _ODESLAT => 'Send', _ODESLAT_T => 'Send bug report', _ZPET => 'Back', _ZPET_T => 'Return back without reporting', // LIST _CHYBA_CISLO => '# ', _CHYBA_DATUM => 'Date:', _CHYBA_PRIOR => 'Priority:', _CHYBA_PRIOR_0 => 'Low', _CHYBA_PRIOR_1 => 'Medium', _CHYBA_PRIOR_2 => 'High', _CHYBA_POPIS => 'Bug description:', _CHYBA_BROWSER => 'Browser:', _CHYBA_SEKCE => 'Sections:', _CHYBA_ROZLISENI => 'Resolution:', _CHYBA_CSS => 'CSS:', _CHYBA_STAV => 'Status:', _CHYBA_STAV_0 => 'Reported', _CHYBA_STAV_1 => 'Fixed - check if bug was really fixed ', _CHYBA_STAV_2 => 'Done & tested.', _CHYBA_JS => 'JavaScript enabled:', _CHYBA_COOKIES => 'Cookies enabled:', _ANONE_0 => 'No', _ANONE_1 => 'Yes', _CHYBA_URL => 'URL:', _BUG_CHOOSE => 'Choose priority and section!', _BUG_TYPE_DESC => 'Write errors bug description!', _POPIS2 => 'Information:', _POPIS2_H => 'Possibility observations to solutions errors', _OPRAVA_OK => 'Bug fixed ', _OPRAVA_FALSE => 'Bug still remains ', ); ?>